Wiki Surfing

Monday, January 31, 2011

One Man Army Team Page
                                                       ONE MAN ARMY

The link above shows Natalie's group page and their team name is One Man Army.  I like how her game idea in general.  I think the person who plays this game should learn from it.  I could embed a pretty picture with my game ideas and I hope to use it on my game page so that my page will improve.



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My view on Globaloria  is that it's a great class.  I've learned so many new things this past school year.  My game idea is to make a game about eating healthy.  Our class has made a lot of progress.  We've drawn in flash, we've done our game design plan, and we done a servey.

We've had at least two feet of snow all together during this winter.  This winter has been a blast, but it has it's consequences.  If we get out of school too much then we will have to make up everything.  The snow has also affected our assignments in Globaloria.  Now we have a short amount of time to get things done and it's making the class really hectic, but i really don't mind because I'm getting out of school :)


Favorite Technology Tool

Friday, January 7, 2011

If I had to choose my favorite type of technology tool, I would choose my I-Pod Touch.  My I-Pod is so amazing and I love it so much.

My I-Pod Touch is one of my favorite technology tools because you can do so many things with it.  You can listen to music while serfing the web all at once if you have a wireless connnection.  You can also text if you have a texting app and that lets you text anyone.  I also enjoy the games you can get for it.  Some are free and some can be bought, but at a reasonable price.

                                                                           Yours Truely,